Skin Savvy Medical Spa

Skin Tightening For Face & Body

Laser Treatments

Laser skin tightening is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that utilizes laser technology to improve skin elasticity and firmness on the face and body. Our treatments works by emitting a beam of laser light that deeply penetrates the skin to heat the collagen layers underneath.

This targeted heating causes the collagen fibers to contract and promotes new collagen and elastin production over time. As a result, the skin gradually becomes firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking.

Our technique is particularly valued for its precision and effectiveness, offering significant improvement without the need for surgical intervention.

Skin Laxity is a result of a multitude of natural causes: time, diet, weight, sun, stress, and more. We lose the elasticity in the skin that makes our skin appear wrinkled, loose, and crepey. It happens everywhere! The neck, face, chest, knees, tummy, thighs, and arms!

Exposure to ultraviolet light, excessive intake of sugar or refined carbs, smoking, air pollution, and aging all speed up the loss of Collagen and Elastin in our bodies. Skin Savvy Medical Spa offers non-surgical treatments that can rebuild Collagen and improve Elasticity. Skin Elasticity refers to your skin’s ability to stretch and bounce back into place. The Elasticity gives us plump, healthy-looking skin. Collagen and Elastin are the fibers that help us to retain that youthful look.

Before After

radiofrequency treatments For Your Body

Using Trusculpt iD and Trusculpt Flex by Cutera

If you want to improve and tighten any area of your body, especially with loose or a crepey skin, then we can help you get your skin tightened and lifted!

Skin is destined to age despite the best attempt to live a healthy lifestyle incorporating optimal nutrition and avoiding skin-damaging issues. We provide tools to help you develop a plan to achieve the results you are looking for and have you looking your very best!

TruSculpt Flex and TruSculpt iD are advanced non-invasive body sculpting technologies developed by Cutera. Here’s a detailed description of each system along with their benefits:

TruSculpt Flex is a muscle-sculpting device that utilizes Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to replicate intense workouts. It can target multiple areas of the body simultaneously, such as the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The technology works by delivering direct electrical muscle stimulation through applicators to induce deep muscle contractions, which can be adjusted to suit different fitness levels, from beginners to athletes. This flexibility helps in building muscle mass, enhancing tone, and strengthening muscles more efficiently than traditional exercise alone.

Benefits of TruSculpt Flex:

  1. Customizable Treatments: Up to eight areas can be treated in one 45-minute session, making it highly efficient.
  2. Versatility: Offers three treatment modes to simulate different workouts, enhancing strength, toning, and muscle endurance.
  3. Non-Surgical: Provides a non-invasive alternative to surgeries, with no downtime required.

TruSculpt iD
focuses on fat reduction using Monopolar Radio Frequency (RF) technology to heat and permanently eliminate fat cells under the skin. It’s highly effective in areas resistant to diet and exercise, such as the belly and love handles. The treatment is typically about 15 minutes per area, making it a quick procedure with no downtime.

Benefits of TruSculpt iD:

  1. Efficiency: A single session can provide up to a 24% reduction in fat thickness, according to clinical studies.
  2. Comfort: The procedure is generally comfortable, often described as feeling like a hot stone massage.
  3. Broad Compatibility: Suitable for all skin types and can be used on various body areas with stubborn fat.

Both systems provide a safe and effective solution for individuals looking to enhance their body contour without the need for invasive procedures, and they can be used in conjunction to address both muscle toning and fat reduction. These technologies cater to a wide range of needs and can be tailored to individual fitness goals, making them versatile tools in cosmetic body treatments.

radiofrequency treatments For Your Face

Using Tempsure and Venus Legacy

If you want to improve and tighten your neck, jawline, eyes, and any of the other places that didn’t use to have loose skin or a crepey look; then let’s get your skin tightened and lifted!
Skin is destined to age despite the best attempt to live a healthy lifestyle incorporating optimal nutrition and avoiding skin-damaging issues. Why not let the Professional Experts at Skin Savvy develop a plan to help you with your achieve the results you are looking for and have you looking your very best!

TempSure and Venus Legacy are two prominent non-invasive skin treatment technologies used primarily for skin tightening, anti-aging, and cellulite reduction. Each system utilizes different mechanisms to achieve aesthetic improvements in skin appearance and texture.


TempSure is an advanced radiofrequency (RF) treatment designed to safely and effectively tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It operates on the principle that controlled heating of the skin tissue can stimulate collagen production, the protein responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. TempSure is equipped with Therapeutic Logic Control (TLC), which ensures consistent delivery of heat for a comfortable and effective treatment.

Benefits of TempSure:

  1. Versatility: It can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, abdomen, arms, and thighs.
  2. No Downtime: Treatments are quick, typically lasting between 20 to 60 minutes, and patients can return to their daily activities immediately.
  3. Comfortable Treatment: The procedure is often described as similar to a relaxing hot stone massage.
  4. Immediate and Long-term Results: Patients often notice a glowing, tighter appearance immediately post-treatment, with further improvements as collagen regeneration progresses over time.

Venus Legacy

Venus Legacy uses Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) combined with VariPulse™ technology to provide a powerful synergistic effect for reducing cellulite, tightening skin, and reducing the circumference of treated areas. This technology targets both the surface and deeper layers of the skin, encouraging the body’s natural healing response and collagen production.

Benefits of Venus Legacy:

  1. Comprehensive Treatment: Effectively addresses body contouring, cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and wrinkle reduction.
  2. Pain-Free: The treatment is non-invasive and pain-free, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a gentle approach.
  3. No Recovery Time: Like TempSure, Venus Legacy treatments are quick and require no downtime, allowing for immediate return to daily activities.
  4. Safe for All Skin Tones: The technology is designed to be safe across different skin types and colors.

Both TempSure and Venus Legacy offer effective solutions for those looking to enhance their appearance without surgery. They cater to a variety of cosmetic concerns, from skin tightening and wrinkle reduction to improving the appearance of cellulite. These treatments are valued for their efficacy, safety, and the convenience of no downtime, making them popular choices in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Book A Consultation

We’ll reinvent your results-driven regimen with a comprehensive consultation and treatment plan for your face (or body) by preparing a roadmap of clinical treatments, at home skin care, medical grade products & overall cost structure. Together, we will create a transformational plan for your skin!