Skin Savvy Medical Spa


Skin Rejuvenation

Get Smoother Skin

Seriously, this treatment is as amazing as it is creepy!! Microneedling and Microneedling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) handles just about everything!

Pores, pigmentation, fine lines, acne scars, dull skin, even stretch marks! The works! This technique uses your body’s own power of healing to solve so many skin issues that you may have been living with for decades. Have you lost hope over the years of regaining youthful and clear skin? Well, Microneedling is here to make things better!

Change Your Skin After One Treatment!

Microneedling is a device that has multiple tiny needles that move up and down very quickly to put 2.5mm of product into the skin (don’t worry, you won’t have a tattoo in the end!!). This creates tiny little micro-injuries that will stimulate your body to release the happy healers within. These healers will go into the area treated and rebuild the skin so that it is stronger, younger, and healthier.
We use the only FDA-approved microneedling device available called Skinpen. This tool is amazing! It takes about 3-5 days to fully heal, however, you can resume normal activities after 2 days. It takes about 3-6 treatments for completed results, but results will begin to show after just one session!
Before After
Before After
If you add in collagen induction therapy to your microneedling treatments your results will increase exponentially, and decrease healing time. Use your body’s very own platelets and growth factors by having your blood drawn and then spun down to retrieve the plasma for maximized results.
If you are weirded out to have your blood drawn, don’t worry! We have anti-oxidant, stencil, and brightening serums that can be micro-needled instead of your own PRP.

Book A Consultation
Savvy Regimen®

We’ll reinvent your results-driven regimen with a comprehensive consultation and treatment plan for your face (or body) by preparing a roadmap of clinical treatments, at home skin care, medical grade products & overall cost structure. Together, we will create a transformational plan for your skin!

Our consultations are a two-step process starting with a 15-20 minute virtual/over the phone consult. Your provider will learn more about your needs and make recommendations for the second step of scheduling your in-person comprehensive consult which will include a treatment.