Skin Savvy Medical Spa

Medical Grade Chemical Peels

Medical Grade Peels serve as an innovative, non-invasive way to combat bothersome skin issues such as sun damage, skin tone, acne, and rosacea (swelling and redness of the face).
Peels employ a variety of chemical solutions to remove damaged outer layers of the skin and to reveal the beautiful virgin skin that lies beneath. The team’s favorites are the Apeele Forte VI Peel and the All Powerful Cosmulan Peel!

Medical Grade Peels should only be performed in a medical setting because of it’s active ingredients.

Want to reverse sun damage, remove dead skin cells, diminish find lines, hyperpigmentation, melasma and unwanted so-called freckles? Then schedule a Savvy Regimen, our complimentary consultation to see which peel will be right for you. Click here

We can help you choose which one is best for you to achieve your goals!

Vi Peel plus

Vi Peel was initially formulated for the founder’s 15-year-old-daughter, who had severe acne. The good news is; the peel is excellent for both adults and adolescents, both male and female. The Vi-Peel will minimize any imperfections in your skin while maximizing the skin’s luminosity. The peel promotes healthy cell renewal to erase years of damage and smooth the texture of your skin. The other good news regarding this peel is the realization that it is safe for nearly all skin types, including darker skin tones, which frequently cannot tolerate a harsh peel.
The Vi Peel will rejuvenate aging skin and help to prevent future damage. The unique formula used in developing this outstanding peel will soften lines, restore more even skin tone, and smooth the texture of your skin. Vi Peel is formulated to purify with precision and kill the bacteria that causes acne, clearing out dead skin cells and soothing inflammation and redness. This formula will also help reduce the appearance of scarring and enlarged pores, as it brightens darkened areas left behind from acne and reduces the appearance of sun/age spots.

Skin Savvy’s Cosmelan Peel

The Cosmelan Peel is one of the most effective therapies for removing brown spots on your face by peeling off dead skin cells. The Cosmelan Peel works well for complex cases of pigmentation like Melasma which are not responding to traditional creams and other treatments. This peel decreases the skin’s natural melanin production by inhibiting certain enzymes, providing an even complexion, and is considered one of the top anti-aging treatments as it resurfaces the skin.

Are you ready for this?

Yes, the Cosmelan Peel is used to improve the look of facial skin and is successfully used to treat the abdomen, legs, hands, and the breast/nipple area.

Unlike other Medical-Grade Peels, the Vi Peel and the Cosmelan Peels are virtually painless, require no skin preconditioning, and have minimal to no downtime. Each of the peels is formulated to address specific concerns for both male and female clients.

Book A Consultation
Savvy Regimen®

We’ll reinvent your results-driven regimen with a comprehensive consultation and treatment plan for your face (or body) by preparing a roadmap of clinical treatments, at home skin care, medical grade products & overall cost structure. Together, we will create a transformational plan for your skin!

Our consultations are a two-step process starting with a 15-20 minute virtual/over the phone consult. Your provider will learn more about your needs and make recommendations for the second step of scheduling your in-person comprehensive consult which will include a treatment.