Skin Savvy Medical Spa

Enhance Your Lips Naturally

Our top priority is the health and natural beauty of your lips. Rather than solely focusing on your desires, we prioritize what’s best for your lips’ well-being. Some lips can handle a lot of product in one go, leading to amazing results in one appointment. Others need a gentler approach, with multiple sessions spaced out over time to achieve their full potential. That’s why we tailor our techniques; be it the choice of product, quantity, session frequency, massage techniques, or filling methods. The versatility of the Savvy Technique empowers us to enhance lips of all types to their fullest potential.

While we appreciate your aesthetic desires, it’s important to remember that every person’s anatomy is different. Not all requests are feasible or safe. If we could magically transform lip tissue, we’d all have Angelina Jolie’s iconic pout. But reality is more nuanced. Each set of lips comes with its own challenges and limitations, which we respect to ensure you’re left with results you’ll love.

We take the time to understand your goals before starting any treatment. Just as you’ve done your homework in choosing us, our consultation process allows us to determine what will be best for you. Not every client is a perfect match for our approach. By being thorough and honest, we maintain the quality of our work and uphold the core values and standards we believe in.

Before After


Experience personalized lip treatments like never before at our medspa. What sets us apart is our dedication to tailoring lip enhancements to your specific desired look. Our providers excel in the art of lip augmentation and may use multiple premium FDA-approved fillers to achieve your desired results. Whether it’s a fuller pout, defined lip borders, or a rejuvenated appearance, our treatments are customized to your unique goals and vision while honoring the integrity of what your lips are capable of handling.

Book A Consultation

We’ll reinvent your results-driven regimen with a comprehensive consultation and treatment plan for your face (or body) by preparing a roadmap of clinical treatments, at home skin care, medical grade products & overall cost structure. Together, we will create a transformational plan for your skin!